Pin Loom Weaving A to Z

Skill Level
Required Skills:
- No prior knowledge needed. Class will walk students from introduction to achievement.
Class Length
- 2.5 Days
- Friday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
This is your opportunity to explore a new perspective on fiber over one long weekend. Many people are now exploring pin looms because of their economy, ease of use, and incredible portability. This class offers the opportunity to build beginner and intermediate skills, (and find out just how much fun pin loom weaving is) so that participants walk away with a series of completed projects used as stepping stones to develop skills, as well as a workbook full of information, projects, and their own thoughts and plans for future designs.
Participants start by learning to weave on the pin loom and create their first project, a pin loom woven gardenia. If you are entering the class already knowing about pin loom weaving, there are lots of extra
projects to explore, and the class as a whole will learn and grow from your experience. After building basic weaving skills, participants will practice essential joining techniques and build a collection of weft float pattern samples. Participants can choose to stick to smaller projects or to begin to weave their own patterned shawl or scarf right in class. The final project will be to weave and construct a Spirit Horse, a 3-D horse sculpture that includes the participants' self statement expressed in their use of surface design and embellishments.
Registration Fee $425 Members; $500 Non-members
Materials Fee $20
Materials Fee includes: All the essential weaving tools, all the yarn needed for the series of pin loom projects, a complete workbook of techniques, patterns and projects with room for notes and personal ideas, a PDF version of the workbook for people who would rather store their patterns on their device, all the materials needed for the Spirit Horse including yarn, wooden base, natural twigs for legs, and embellishments.
Students to Bring
- A 4" pin loom with traditional 3-pin that comes with a 6" weaving needle
- Examples are Schacht Zoom Loom, Hazel Rose Multi-Looms, vintage Weave-It, vintage Weavette looms, Wunderwag Industries looms.
- Students may purchase a 4" pin loom from the Instructor during class for an additional $50 materials fee.
- If you wish to bring your own yarn for samples, you are welcome to do so, but there will be a variety of yarns available for sample weaving as well as all the yarn needed for the in-class projects.
- Optional yarn for scarf or shawl – A pin loom scarf will need 208 yards of cotton fingering weight yarn. A shawl will need 360 yards of cotton fingering weight yarn.