2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

Introduction to Pin Loom Weaving

Skill Level


Required Skills:

    Class Schedule

    3 Hours


      Are you finding yourself pin loom curious these days? In this three hour course you can learn that basic skill of weaving on a pin loom and leave with a finished project, a mug rug with flower and bee embellishments.

      Participants will have the opportunity to try out a 2” pin loom and a 4” pin loom. There will be samples of pin loom woven projects plus the opportunity to ask questions and learn how to weave on a pin loom from Margaret Stump, the author of Pin Loom Weaving; 40 Projects for tiny hand looms.

      Everything you need will be provided. This is an opportunity to check out the whole “little loom” craze and have some fun without any long term investment.


      Registration Fee $25
      Materials Fee $5

      Materials Fee includes: Use of 4” and 2” pin loom, all yarn, weaving tools and other supplies needed to complete the project.

      Students to Bring

      • An open and inquiring mind

      Instructor Bio

      Margaret Stump has been weaving on pin looms for over 40 years. (Actually it is closer to 50, going on 60, but she would prefer not to admit it.) Over the years she has made innumerable blankets, hangings, bags, purses, animals, scarves and household items because she loves the fun and energy that she discovers when creating with the pin loom. Margaret is the author of three books: Pin Loom Weaving, Pin Loom Weaving To Go, and Adorable Beasts; 30 Pin Loom Woven Animals & 4 Playscapes. She is also a contributor to several loom and craft magazines with a current total of 31 projects and articles to her name. Margaret lives in Minnesota with her husband, Jerry. She happily shares lots of pin loom techniques and projects at the website, Pinloomweaving.com.


      These pictures offer examples of the workshop content or experience.