2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

The Art of Mixing Color and Fiber in Deflected Double Weave

Skill Level


Required Skills:

  • Comfortable reading drafts
  • Weaving with 2 or more shuttles
  • Warp your loom prior to the conference
  • Preferred that students be willing to work with at least one space-dyed warp of tercel or cotton. A vendor list can be provided to the participants.

Class Length

  • 2.5 Days
  • Friday: 9 am to 12 pm; 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Saturday: 9 am to 12 pm; 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Sunday: 9 am to 12 pm


Do you enjoy mixing color and fiber? Learn how color and fiber sheen interact in Deflected Doubleweave with Tencel, Tussah Silk, and/or Cotton. Participants will receive recommended fibers for a 4 or 8 shaft pattern six weeks prior to conference. Create up to three woven samples following finishing demonstration and collaboration. Be prepared to swap two of the samples with other participants. And finally continue weaving on your own loom to explore how 3-5 weft colors impact the overall design distinction in Deflected DoubleWeave.


Registration Fee $450 for members, $525 for all others
Materials Fee $25

Materials Fee includes: Color printed and bound monograph

Students to Bring

  • 4.5 yards on a pre-warped 8-shaft loom with recommended yarns
  • Pre-wound bobbins for weft yarns
  • Weaving tools including 3 boat shuttles and measuring tape
  • SOAK or suitable fiber washing detergent (sample size)
  • Notebook for notes
  • A device for photographs / weaving software (recommended)

Instructor Bio

Natalie Drummond is a former educator and fiber artisan living in Fremont, Indiana. Born and raised in Virginia, she developed a love of science, teaching, and fiber. Her earlier work focused on sewing and needlefelting and she later learned to weave from a Fort Wayne Weavers Guild instructor in 2016. Continuous learning expanded from instructors within the Fort Wayne Weavers Guild as well as noted weaving instructors.

Natalie has pursued weaving with a passion. She is currently serving as President of FWWG and has served as Vice President of Programming. She also maintains a membership with the Fredericksburg Weavers and Spinners Guild. Natalie was awarded a MAFA Fellowship in 2019 and has been studying Deflected Doubleweave intensively. She has also taken additional classes with felters: Janna Mattsson, Judith Dios, and Moy MacKay and enjoys felting 2-D landscapes.

Her work can be found daily at the Orchard Gallery of Fine Arts in Fort Wayne and she was the featured artist in October 2021. Her weaving can be found in Handwoven Magazine Nov/Dec 2021. Her handwovens have also been exhibited in Georgia's Color: Classic to Contemporary exhibit, as well as locally at First Gallery, the History Center, and Crestwoods Gallery.


These pictures offer examples of the workshop content or experience.