2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

Due to COVID-19, FTWG cancelled its 2022 Conference two months before it was scheduled to start. As a result, this workshop was not taught in 2022.

Tablet Weaving Basics and Beyond

Skill Level


Required Skills:

    Class Length

    • 2.5 Days
    • Friday: 9 am to 12 pm, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
    • Saturday: 9 am to 12 pm, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
    • Sunday: 9 am to 12 pm


    We’ll start with threaded-in patterns. These are wonderful multi-colored patterns that appear as if by magic. Simple turning creates complicated patterns because of the setup. Then we’ll move to Double-Card, Double Turn Diagonals. This technique warps quickly, but makes bold patterns with a lot of movement.


    Registration Fee $290 for FTWG members and $320 for all others
    Materials Fee $10

    Materials Fee includes: Instructional booklet and twenty 4-hole card weaving cards.

    Students to Bring

    • Inkle-style loom
    • Belt Shuttle
    • A few looms and shuttles will be available to borrow, with advance notice to instructor.
    • Four balls or cones of 10/2 mercerized cotton or #10 crochet cotton, each at least one ounce
    • Two colors are required: Two cones of colors A, two cones of color B. The colors should contrast.

    Instructor Bio

    John Mullarkey is passionate about teaching tablet weaving and exploring new ways to make the art form more contemporary. He is a nationally recognized teacher, valued for the patience, clarity and organization he brings to his classes. John has won many awards, is a frequent contributor to national fiber arts publications, and has authored books ("A Tabet Weaver's Pattern Book," "Tablet Weaving: Egyptian Diagonals," et al.) and videos ("Tablet Weaving Made Easy," "Double-Faced Tablet Weaving") about the craft. His work appears in international shows and has been displayed at museums. The popular Schacht Zoom Loom is based on John's design.


    These pictures offer examples of the workshop content or experience.