2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

Zoom Tips

Zoom’s Support Articles

Clicking on any of the titles below will take you to Zoom’s website, with their support article on that topic:

Software Download Center

Update to the latest version

Frequently Asked Questions for Zoom Users

Raising your hand in a webinar

Attendee controls in a meeting

Top 20 Zoom resources

How to use a virtual background

Participating in breakout rooms

Changing between Active Speaker View and Gallery View

What technology do I need in order to participate in Orlando Distaff Day?

You can access Zoom through an app downloaded to your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. You can also access Zoom directly in a browser by adding a plugin to your browser. Visit the Download Center (linked above) to get the Zoom software if you don’t have it already.

If you plan to access Zoom through your browser, you must use Chrome as your browser. While Zoom is available in other browsers, not all features are available in every browser. At least one of the features we are using for the Virtual Florida Tropical Weavers Guild is only available in the Chrome browser.

We recommend that you use Zoom on a desktop or laptop computer rather than on a tablet or phone. You can participate from a tablet or phone, but it will be a long day if you have to hold up your device the entire time! In addition, on a desktop or laptop, you can see 25 people at once while on a tablet you can only see 9 and on a phone you can see 3.

Whichever option you use for the Zoom Software, you should use the most recent version. Some features we are using for the Florida Tropical Weavers Guild may not be available to you unless you are using the most recent version.

How can I test my connection to Zoom?

Registered attendees can access a Zoom Links page through the Event Hub. On the Zoom Links page is a test link and instructions on how to use it.

How will the Florida Tropical Weavers Guild use Zoom?

How many Zoom Rooms will there be?

We will have one Zoom room, used for all the programming over the course of the weekend.

When and where do I find the Zoom links?

The links for these two rooms will be posted at approximately 11:00 am on Friday, March 19. You will be able to access the page where those links are posted by visiting the Event Hub and clicking through to the Zoom Links page. There is only one link which can be used on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Is the 2021 FTWG Virtual Conference a Zoom Meeting or a Zoom Webinar?

The event is a Zoom Meeting (not a Webinar). In a Meeting, all attendees appear on the screen and are able to talk live.

What are Breakout Rooms and how do they work?

We will be using Breakout Rooms in two different ways. Breakout Rooms are Zoom Rooms in which meeting attendees are dispersed for a period of time. Attendees can either be assigned to a specific room by the host OR the host can set the rooms so that Attendees can choose which room they want to go into.

2021 Virtual FTWG will have some Breakout Rooms where Attendees are assigned and some where you can choose which one to visit.

During the Ice Breaker sections, we will randomly assign you into a room and provide you with a prompt to get conversation started.

During Vendor sessions, after all vendors have presented, we will open Breakout Rooms named after each vendor. Attendees will be able to choose which room to visit and will be able to switch from one to another.

We will talk you through how to get in and out Breakout Rooms.

How do I use the live transcription services?

Zoom now has live, automated transcription available. The Florida Tropical Weavers Guild has activated transcription and will turn it on during the 2021 Virtual Conference.

When you attend the meeting, the controls include a button labeled ‘Live Transcript.’ Clicking on that button presents your options:

Hide/Show Transcript: This option causes the transcript to appear at the bottom of the main screen on Zoom. This option does not provide the name of the speaker, just what they are saying.
View Full Transcript: This option opens a separate panel in which the transcript appears. This separate panel does list the name of the speaker in addition to what the speaker is saying.
Subtitle Settings: This option opens a menu where you can change the size of the font in the on screen captions (it does not control the full transcript font) and select which screen reader alerts appear on your screen.

Zoom Etiquette

On Mute

When you join the Zoom Room, you will automatically be muted. You should remain muted at all times, unless invited to speak by one of the Conference Coordinator, a Speaker, or an FTWG Board Member.

The Event Hosts and Co-hosts are able to mute you and to shut off your camera. We will do so, without asking you, if something in your audio or video is disruptive to the program.

Event Hosts and Co-hosts are not able to unmute you. If you need to unmute and can’t figure out how to do so, we click a button and it sends you a message saying “The Host is asking you to unmute” and you can click Yes or No.

On Questions to Speakers or Vendors

For most of the event, please put your questions in chat. We may sometimes ask you to raise your hand and call on you individually to come off mute and speak. During the event, we will provide clear direction on which of these two options to use during a specific time.

Code of Conduct

At all times, whether in a Breakout Room, Main Stage, or Lounge and whether you are on chat, audio, or video, we expect attendees to adhere to the posted Code of Conduct.