Member Registration starts at 7:00 am on November 17, 2024
Registration for all others starts at 7:00 am on December 1, 2024
Our 75th Diamond Anniversary
In 2019, we will celebrate 75 years of FTWG conferences.
Join in the celebration!
Fiber Exhibit:
The 2019 Fiber Exhibit will have a special category just for the Diamond Celebration. Enter any item with a diamond design or something made with sparkly fibers.
Diamond Celebration Bag:
A gift for all conference attendees.
FTWG Anniversary Cookbook:
Submit your recipes for a special guild cookbook with a weaving theme. There will be a contest to name the book. See the cookbook segment below for details.
Cake Celebration:
Enjoy a special dessert at the 2019 Conference.
Charity Challenge:
Our goal is to collect and donate 75 of your handmade items. Blankets will go to Project Linus. Hats, scarves, and mittens will go to Hats 4 the Homeless.
Fashion Show:
Work the runway in a fashion show with a diamond theme.
Photo Area
Pose with diamond-themed props and we’ll take your photo on Thursday night for Facebook. If you’d like, bring your own special hat or props. You can use your own camera for more photos any time during the rest of the weekend.
More details on these anniversary events will be emailed to FTWG members and posted on the FTWG Facebook page over the next year.
Diamond Celebration committee: Jody Cosby, Diane Drutowski, Cindy Koedoot, and Cynthia Starr. Contact us at
To help celebrate 75 years of fiber, food and fun, FTWG will be offering a cookbook for sale. We are looking to include those recipes that are special to you, our members. What delights have you taken to a guild meeting or workshop? What special recipes can you share with your Fiber Friends?
Gather your favorites and email (as an attachment) or snail mail them to: Cynthia Starr: 902 Village Green Rd., DeLand, Fl, 32720 OR email them to:
include the source of your recipe and/or credit to originator
send a printed copy OR as a word document (not as a PDF)
dd your name, your guild name and a one line description of why you are submitting this particular recipe : ie: “my guild loves this ” this is a family favorite” “this is so quick and easy”.
You may submit more than one recipe, we will publish as many as space allows. The deadline for recipe submission is September 1, 2018.
BUT WAIT, there is more!
We have a contest! We need a title for our cookbook! Put on your thinking caps and come up with the winning title. Maybe Heddles and Kettles: or Twill Tastings; or Warp, Weave and Cook; or (your selection here.)
Submit your suggestions to Jody Cosby, by snail mail or email. The winning title, chosen by the Cookbook Committee, will receive a complimentary cookbook. Mail to: Jody Cosby, 20 Orange Ave., Rockledge, Fl., 32955 or email
The title contest ends September 1, 2018.