Into the Third Dimension: Texture and Relief in Contemporary Tapestry

All Levels Welcome
Required Skills:
Class Length:
Less than Half Day
Class Times:
Discover examples of one of the most exciting trends in contemporary tapestry: work with strong textures, relief elements, mixed media and 3-d effects. In this slide lecture, view the work of a wide variety of weavers who are pushing tapestry beyond two dimensions. You may leave with a strong desire to weave with weird materials in new ways!
Registration Fees:
Materials Fee:
Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.
Molly Elkind’s tapestry work was exhibited in a solo show in 2018 in Atlanta, just before she relocated to New Mexico. She has focused on weaving for over ten years, but Molly is also fluent in papermaking, mixed media collage, and embroidery. Molly earned an M.A. in Studio Art from the Hite Art Institute at the University of Louisville in 2002, and in the same year she was awarded an Artist Enrichment grant by the Kentucky Foundation for Women. Exhibition highlights include a solo show at Mercer University in Atlanta (2009) and numerous juried and invitational shows nationwide. Molly has been published in Tapestry Topics (American Tapestry Alliance publication), Tapestry Weaver (Britain), Arts Across Kentucky, Needlearts, SAQA Journal, and Shuttle, Spindle, Dyepot magazines. Her work is in several private collections. Besides making art, Molly is passionate about teaching it, with a particular focus on design principles and processes. For over 20 years she has taught private students and at guilds and conferences nationwide, with a special emphasis on helping fiber artists become more confident designers of their own work. Molly currently serves on the board of the American Tapestry Alliance as the Director of Volunteers. She is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico.