History and Importance of Hemp

All Levels Welcome
Required Skills:
Class Length:
Less than Half Day
Class Times:
Hemp fiber is the longest and one of the strongest natural fibers on earth. The history of hemp dates back to the Stone Age with it being the largest and most important agricultural crop between 1000 BC to 1833 AD. Hemp played an important part in developing our country and clothed most of the world until the early 1800s. So, what happened to it? The Farming Act of December of 2018 removed hemp from the Controlled Substance Act giving hope that industrial hemp will once again play an important role in our country. Why should fiber artists be interested in this amazing plant?
Registration Fees:
Materials Fee:
Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.
First a professional teacher and then a spinner, Joan Ruane has been teaching spinning classes throughout the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand since 1980. Active in local and regional Guilds, she has also owned and operated fiber shops in both Florida and Arizona. Joan has published cotton newsletters, written articles for fiber magazines and has published three DVDs: Cotton Spinning Made Easy, Cotton Spinning with A Takli/ Charkha, and Spinning Hemp. She has republished Hand Spinning Cotton by Harry and Olive Linder, bringing it up to date with modern techniques. In 2015, Joan published the much needed “Beginning Cotton Spinning on the Wheel” workbook. Her DVDs and books can be streamed or purchased through www.Taperootvideo.com. For more information, check out her website, www.cottonspinning.com.