Color & Design for Inkle Weavers

Skill Level


Required Skills:


Class Schedule

Class Length:

Half Day

Class Times:

Thursday, 1 pm to 4 pm


A discussion of color theory and pattern design in warp-faced bands is the focus of this workshop. We will look at many woven samples, discuss pattern elements, how to create a good design, look at yarn choices, experiment with color selection tools, and create patterns on paper and/or with an online tool. As time allows, we may also weave pattern previews on a comb.


Registration Fees:

For FTWG Members: $85

For all others: $100

Materials Fee:


Materials Fee Includes:

Set of pattern cards Color wheel Comb for weaving a preview Paper pattern charts

Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.

Students to Bring

  • Laptop or tablet
  • Photos, notecards, and/or fabric swatches that represent your color taste (could be saved on your computer)
  • Scissors
  • Optional: Weaving yarns in small quantities to test-weave a 2" pattern (weaving tool will be provided-no loom needed)

Instructor Bio

At the age of seventeen, Annie MacHale first discovered the inkle loom, sparking a lifelong love affair. She built her first loom in 1976 with the help of her dad and a library book. Since then she’s woven miles of bands including over 1,100 guitar straps. She loves to play with color and pattern and finds the inkle loom a very satisfying way to do this. Annie is known to many through her blog, The popularity of her patterns shared there has led to the 2019 publication of a book, “In Celebration of Plain Weave: Color and Design Inspiration for Inkle Weavers”. This was followed by another book in 2021, “Three-Color Pickup for Inkle Weavers: A Modern Look at an Ancient Baltic-Style Technique” in which she shares a rare, older Lithuanian technique that has fallen out of use.


These photos were provided by the instructor to demonstrate the experience of taking this class.