2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

A Next Step in Tapestry

Skill Level


Required Skills:

Basic tapestry weaving skills, as taught in beginning tapestry class

Class Schedule

Class Length:

Two and a Half Days

Class Times:


After you have taken a beginning tapestry class, what’s the next step? This is often the sticking point for new tapestry weavers. There are many possibilities, and this class will offer one approach. We will start by looking through images of creatures, for example, birds and butterflies, looking for pattern and color ideas. The class will not be trying for photorealism, but to come up with abstract designs using the color and pattern ideas. We will use those ideas to develop a cartoon to weave a small tapestry about 7” x 7” and begin weaving. We will consider value and contrast, which are important to coming up with good tapestry designs. This may sound like a lot to do in a few days, but the overall goal will be to have fun and learn a few new things!


Registration Fees:

For FTWG Members: $450

For all others: $525

Materials Fee:


Materials Fee Includes:

Warp for a 7" warp and a range of weft alternatives. For this class, weavers are encouraged to bring their own loom prewarped for the class and their own weft yarns. Instructions and sources can be emailed in advance.

Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.

Students to Bring

  • Their own tapestry loom, prewarped for a 7" tapestry at 8 epi
  • A selection of weft yarns for tapestry
  • Drawing or mixed media paper
  • Colored pencils or paints for cartoon development
  • Basic tools, e.g., scissors and bobbins

Instructor Bio

My first small frame loom was a Christmas gift given by my parents when I was about ten, after I saw a floor loom at the home of a friend. I was smitten early! I returned to weaving much later, taking every class and workshop I could find at guilds and craft schools. After trying many cloth weaving structures, I discovered my real obsession with color and pattern and the imagery that is possible in tapestry, and have focused on tapestry ever since. I was fortunate to take several workshops with Archie Brennan and Susan Martin Maffei, who are my primary influences. I am a member of Tapestry Weavers South and the American Tapestry Alliance. My tapestries have been included in a number of juried shows locally, having won awards twice in the Art in Gadsden annual show (27th and 30th annual), and in two juried small tapestry exhibits put on by the ATA (2015 and 2021). I was also so thrilled to have images of two of my tapestries included in Tommye Scanlin’s beautiful new book on tapestry design.


These photos were provided by the instructor to demonstrate the experience of taking this class.