2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

Basketry Teaching Opportunities

The Florida Tropical Weavers Guild has always counted basket makers among our members and has, for many years, offered one or two basketry classes at each annual Conference.

We are excited to expand the options for basketry classes, and to make it possible for attendees to spend the entire weekend taking basketry classes.

To join our email list, please complete the form below. You will be added to a list specific to basketry instructors. The emails sent to this list will be focused on information relevant to instructors, such as save the date announcements for upcoming events and notifications of calls for proposals.

Basket Weaving Instructors

Subscribe to FTWG Event Updates

While you’re here on our website, perhaps you might want to visit the following pages:

Class Timelines and Policies provides information about how to apply to teach, what the compensation package is for teaching, and includes the actual application form.

2025 Conference landing page provides the currently-available information about the 2025 Conference. This page will be regularly updated between now and the Conference.