Lauhala Bracelet
Required Skills:
Basic weaving
Class Length:
Half Day
Class Times:
Sunday, 8 am to 12 pm
Lauhala is the leaf of the hala tree, also known as a corkscrew pine or pandanus. Students will learn how to prep and strip the lau (leaf) for weaving. We will have a choice of colors (dark blue, dark green, brown) and patterns to make a fine 1/16" weave bracelet. The bracelet can be adjusted to your specific size. Fun class and the technique can be used with other material of uniform width.
Registration Fees:
For FTWG Members: $85
For all others: $100
Materials Fee:
Materials Fee Includes:
Bracelet kit with dyed material
Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.
- Scissors
- Spray bottle
- Towel if possible but not totally necessary
Jelena Clay is the daughter of Serbian immigrants and was raised in Saratoga, California. At 20 years old, she relocated to the islands and has called Hilo home since then. Since moving to the islands, she has had a fascination with fiber work and gourds, and the complicated techniques that Hawaiians use. She has taught in the islands and across the US for 30 almost years. She owns Banyan Gallery at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel in Hilo town.