2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

2022 Conference

Exterior of Maguire Auditorium

2022 FTWG Conference

Save the Date:
March 17-20, 2022

Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center
Eustis, Florida

Join us as we return to our Annual Conference campus on the shores of Lake Yale. Relax under the beautiful oaks as we leave the cares of the world behind for four days of fiber, fun and fellowship. Located near Eustis, Florida, an hour north of Orlando, your hotel room/RV is right here along with a cafeteria where all meals are provided. We offer a full schedule of activities including your choice of a 2.5 day workshop with an outstanding instructor, a fiber exhibit, fashion show, guild exhibits, commercial vendors and more. Come visit old friends, make new friends and spend four days in a relaxed, old Florida setting.

2022 Conference Cancelled

The FTWG Board met yesterday to discuss details of the 2022 Conference in March.  It was a very difficult decision, but Covid-19 won…again.  I was so looking forward to seeing everyone and enjoying our fiber adventures at Lake Yale, as many of you were, also.

All registrants will receive a full refund.  Please be patient as our treasurer, Diane Drutowski, will have to write 100+ checks.  The checks will go to the address on your registration.  If you need the check to be sent to a different address, please let me know as soon as possible.

Moving Forward
We are planning a virtual speaker series to take place over several months during 2022.  We do not yet have dates and times established for this series, which will consist of guild-style programs – 90 minutes total to include the presentation plus Q&A.

Conference 2023
We usually have our annual meeting during the conference.  You will receive information concerning the date and time for a zoom annual meeting in the near future.  Be assured that the plans for Conference 2023 and forward are already in motion and we will be announcing classes and instructors at the annual meeting.

It was with a heavy heart that the board made this decision. We are seeing cancellations from members come in already. To wait until the last minute to cancel would be irresponsible, both for our members’ health and for our organization financially.


Alice Martin, President


This schedule is subject to change.


11:30 am Registration Desk Opens
Guild Table set up starts

12:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm Miniclasses start
Fiber Exhibit Registration opens

5:30 pm Dinner

6:30 pm District meetings

7:00 pm Evening Entertainment


7:30 am Breakfast

8:00 am Fiber Exhibit Registration opens

9:00 am Workshop Session

12:00 pm Lunch

1:30 pm Workshop Session

5:30 pm Dinner

6:30 pm Fiber Exhibit opens
Vendors Open


7:30 am Breakfast

9:00 am Workshop Session

12:00 pm Lunch

1:30 pm Workshop Session

5:30 pm Dinner

7:00 pm Evening Entertainment

8:00 pm Vendors Close


7:30 am Breakfast

8:30 am Fiber Exhibit closes

9:00 am Check out of rooms
Workshop Session

12:00 pm Lunch

1:30 pm Guild tables packed up no later than this time


Miniclasses and pricing are not yet finalized. They will be posted here before registration opens.

Miniclass Information

Miniclasses take place on Thursday afternoon.

Miniclasses are between one and four hours long.

Registration fees vary. See mini class description for the amount of the fee.

Registration fees are paid to FTWG at the time you register for the Conference.

Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor during class.


Workshop Information

Workshops take place Friday – Sunday.

Attendees register for only one workshop for the entire weekend.

Each workshop consists of five sessions, each three hours long: Friday 9 am to noon and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm; Saturday 9 am to noon and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm; Sunday 9 am to noon.

Registration fees are $290 for FTWG members and $320 for all others, regardless of which workshop you choose.

Registration fees are paid to FTWG at the time you register for the Conference.

Materials fees vary from one workshop to the next.

Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor during class.




2, 3, or 4 nights
Single or double occupancy
Meal package included
Facility fees included

Live Oak RV Park

$25 / night / space (not per person)
No meals included
Facility fee not included
motel room at Lake Yale showing two double beds.  In the back of the room, the sink and mirror are visible.

Two Nights

$225 Single
$175 Double

Friday & Saturday

Includes 6 meals, starting with Friday dinner

Three Nights

$335 Single
$260 Double

Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Includes 9 meals, starting with Thursday dinner

Four Nights

$420 Single
$320 Double

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Includes 10 meals, starting with Thursday lunch

All double occupancy rates are per person.


Registration Information


Registration is online only.

Early Registration is for FTWG members who paid dues by October 16, 2021 at 11:59pm.

There is a $30 cancellation fee, which will be retained from the amount paid when you registered.


October 31, 2021 at 7:00 am
Early registration opens

November 14, 2021 at 7:00 am
General registration opens

March 1, 2022 at 11:59 pm
Registration closes
Last day to cancel

Approximately two weeks before early registration opens, eligible members will receive an email confirming their eligibility for early registration.

Approximately one week before early registration, a registration guide with step-by-step instructions for registration will be published on this website and emailed to all current FTWG members


Stay and Play

Stay onsite during Conference, even if you aren’t taking a Workshop.

Fee covers your registration packet, swag bag, and admission to all activities other than classes.

Facility Fee

Lake Yale charges a $15 daily facility fee.

The 24-hour period covered by the fee starts at noon and ends at noon the following day.

The fee is included in the cost of motel accommodations.

The fee is not included for those staying in RVs, anyone staying offsite, or day trippers.

Those registering for the conference may pay the fee as part of the registration process.

Day trippers may either preregister or pay onsite.

$8 / $11 / $15

If you are staying in a motel, a meal package is included.

If you are staying offsite or in an onsite RV, meals are not included, but may be purchased.

Meals must be purchased in advance as part of registration. They cannot be purchased onsite.

Breakfast $8

Lunch $11

Dinner $15

Meals are served cafeteria style and at set times.

Breakfast 7:30 am – 8:30 am

Lunch 12 pm – 1 pm

Dinner 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

$5 – $50

See class descriptions for fees for each mini class.

Miniclasses may have both a registration fee and a materials fee.

Registration fees are paid to FTWG when you register for the Conference.

Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor during class.

$290 for members
$320 for all others

The workshop fee is the same for all workshops.

Workshops may have an additional materials fee.

Registration fees are paid to FTWG when you register for the Conference.

Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor during class.

$40 to $400

$40 / Night / RV Space

Motel Accommodations

Two Nights

$225 Single
$175 Double

Friday & Saturday

Includes 6 meals, starting with Friday dinner

Three Nights

$335 Single
$260 Double

Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Includes 9 meals, starting with Thursday dinner

Four Nights

$420 Single
$320 Double

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Includes 10 meals, starting with Thursday lunch

All double occupancy rates are per person.


Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, Leesburg, FL

Lake Yale Policies

Lake Yale is an ALCOHOL-FREE , SMOKE-FREE, and DRUG-FREE campus.

Cooking is allowed in RVs, but not in rooms.

Pets are NOT permitted.

WiFi is available in the meeting rooms and Fellowship Hall.


Campus Map