2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

Tapestry Weaving: The Next Steps with Joanne Hall

Skill Level


Required Skills:

  • Some tapestry experience is helpful

Class Length

  • 2.5 Days


A workshop for weavers who want to move further in their tapestry techniques and in designing their cartoons. We will work with design techniques with emphasis on value and creating clarity in the color choices. A sampler of techniques will be woven with emphasis on craftsmanship and control of the shapes. The following techniques will be demonstrated and woven in a sampler: color effects using two colors, pick and pick and wavy lines, smooth and stepped diagonals, forms of vertical joinings, geometric patterns, curves made from diagonals and eccentric wefts. Finishing and mounting will also be demonstrated.


Registration Fee $
Materials Fee $35

Materials Fee includes: $35 for warps, all weft materials, loom, tapestry needle, and handouts. Materials Fees are not collected as part of registration.  They are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class.

Students to Bring

  • Scissors
  • Tape Measure
  • Ruler
  • Plain Paper
  • Pencil
  • Colored Pencils
  • Felt Tip Marker

Instructor Bio

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