2025 Conference Registration

is Closed

Member Benefits

Thank you for your interest in the Florida Tropical Weavers Guild! FTWG is a non-profit organization whose primary mission is to educate the public on the art and craft of weaving, spinning and basketry. We provide and promote opportunities for weavers of all types and abilities to develop new skills and interests, and to expand their creative efforts in the fiber arts.

Benefits of Guild Membership:

  • Being part of an active community of fiber enthusiasts! 
  • Electronic delivery of the bimonthly FTWG Newsletter, where we share happenings around the state and advance notice of FTWG activities.
  • Early (and discounted!) registration for our FTWG Annual Conference in April, where we offer classes in a wide range of fiber arts and basketry, as well as offerings in beading, clay, metal, woodturning and much more.
  • A flexible Scholarship Program to support your educational needs – we currently have a total of six (6) scholarships available, designed to promote education at the local, regional and national levels and the sharing of fiber arts knowledge among our members. NOTE: You must be an FTWG member for 18 consecutive months before you are eligible to apply for a scholarship.
  • A flexible Scholarship Program to support your educational needs – we currently have a total of six (6) scholarships available, designed to promote education at the local, regional and national levels and the sharing of fiber arts knowledge among our members. NOTE: You must be an FTWG member for 18 consecutive months before you are eligible to apply for a scholarship.
  • Opportunities to volunteer within the organization and spend time with like-minded new friends doing something worthwhile!