Journey to Japan: An FTWG Scholarship Adventure

All Levels Welcome
Required Skills:
Class Length:
Less than Half Day
Class Times:
In the Fall of 2019 Jennifer Williams, a 2018 FTWG scholarship awardee, traveled to Japan to attend the 4th International Conference on Braiding. During the conference, Jennifer learned the traditional Japanese method of band weaving, Sanada Himo. Jennifer will discuss the interesting background of this nearly lost art. She will also share many of the sights and experiences from her weaving journey to Japan, a place that has forever captured her heart.
Registration Fees:
Materials Fee:
Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.
Jennifer Williams is a passionate inkle band weaver. She has been a fiber enthusiast since childhood. However, when she was introduced to inkle weaving in 2012, she found her weaving passion. Jennifer is dedicated to sharing the art of inkle weaving as broadly as possible. She teaches beginning and advanced inkle weaving classes to guilds and individuals. Her work has been published in Easy Weaving with Little Looms. Additionally, she shares creative inkle band projects and information on her blog: