Japanese Pan Basket

Required Skills:
Class Length:
Full Day
Class Times:
Friday, 8 am to 12 pm
Friday, 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Learn to make this bread "pan" basket out of paper. This Eco weave paper is from Japan and this is a technique they use in japan for making baskets. We will use no water. This is different way to make a basket. Come and learn something new!
Registration Fees:
For FTWG Members: $170
For all others: $200
Materials Fee:
Materials Fee Includes:
Eco paper Glue Clips
Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.
- Apron
- Scissors
Tonya has been making baskets for 36 years and teaching for 33. She enjoys teaching all types of baskets. Tonya still enjoys taking classes and learning new things. Her favorite types of baskets are miniatures.