Felted Flowers

Required Skills:
No prior experience required
Class Length:
Less than Half Day
Class Times:
Create felted flowers to adorn your favorite hat, bag or garment. Students will take loose fibers of merino and lay them in flower shapes to create layered flowers.
Registration Fees:
For FTWG Members: $25
For all others: $25
Materials Fee:
Materials Fee Includes:
Merino wool, silk fibers, curly locks, and printed instructions
Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.
- Bubble wrap approximately 12" x 24"
- Wetting mechanism (suggest ball brause tool for wet felting & small bucket)
- An old towel
Patti's early fascination with fabrics and fashion came from her seamstress mother. She's come to realize fiber art is bound into her DNA. Her main focus has been creating wearable art with the use of silk and wool and soapy water. In addition to nuno felt, she uses hand-dying, needle felting, and bead embroidery to complement the tactile and visual narratives of each piece of wearable art. As a graduate of Western Washington University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Studio Art and a concentration in fibers, she began thinking about skins. Her study included simulated animal skins, human skin under a microscope, skins of mythical beings and hybrid humans. An award-winning fiber artist, Patti Barker lives in a sprawling farm house in North Central Florida with her husband and two fine pups. Learn more about her at www.pattibarker.com.