2025 Registration

Member Registration starts at 7:00 am on November 17, 2024

Registration for all others starts at 7:00 am on December 1, 2024

Design Possibilities Galore – Make them Work!

Skill Level

Beginner, Intermediate

Required Skills:

No previous weaving knowledge necessary, but also appropriate for weavers who would like a refresher on basic skills.

Class Schedule

Class Length:

Two and a Half Days

Class Times:


This is an introduction to basic floor loom weaving, but with a sense of adventure and fun. Weaving is a unique creative medium that asks us to make many design decisions before we even touch our yarn. This can seem intimidating, but in this hands-on workshop we'll learn how to make it liberating. First we will explore an approachable, step-by-step design process and then dress the looms with enough yarn to weave some samples as well as the project you've designed, using yarns you bring with you. We will weave a series of explorations of color, texture, and pattern, each one like a page in a book, to make the warp into a personal weaving journal. Participants will leave the workshop with an understanding of how to make the interaction of warp and weft work for you.


Registration Fees:

For FTWG Members: $260

For all others: $290

Materials Fee:


Materials Fee Includes:

Weft yarns, handouts, use of warping boards, weaving tools

Registration Fees are paid when you register to attend the FTWG Conference. Materials fees are paid directly to the instructor at the beginning of class. You should plan to pay the materials fee in cash.

Students to Bring

  • Table or floor loom|Bobbins and shuttles
  • Bobbin winder
  • Threading hook, if you already own one
  • Warping board, if you already own one
  • Notebook
  • Scissors

Instructor Bio

Deborah Silver earned a BFA in Fiber from the Cleveland Institute of Art. She weaves art using the split-shed technique, transforming traditional weaving structures into a signature method of hand-weaving. Her recent art is drawn from American women’s history and from memorials found in old cemeteries. Deborah authored “The Technique of Split-Shed Weaving”, a book that illustrates pictorial weaving using the split-shed process on four-shaft looms. Her articles have been published in Complex Weavers magazine. Deborah teaches split-shed weaving workshops internationally. Deborah’s weavings have been shown in numerous juried exhibitions including the World of Threads Festival in Ontario, Canada. She is the recipient of several awards, including the Complex Weavers Award and First Place at Complexity 2018.