Due to COVID-19, FTWG cancelled its 2020 Conference one week before it was scheduled to start. As a result, this miniclass was not taught in 2020.

Telar Mapuche: Inkle Style Weaving on a Frame Loom with Jennifer Williams

Skill Level


Required Skills:

    Class Schedule

    3 Hours


      Learn the method the Mapuche weavers of Chile and Argentina use to weave inkle style bands on a simple frame loom. No previous band weaving experience is necessary. Students will weave at least one 6" to 8" band during the workshop, to be made into a key chain if desired.


      Registration Fee $30
      Materials Fee $30

      Materials Fee includes: Includes frame, weaving yarns, shuttle, printed patterns, hardware for one key chain.

      Students to Bring

      • Enthusiasm!

      Instructor Bio

      Jennifer Williams is a passionate inkle band weaver. She has been a fiber enthusiast since childhood. However, when she was introduced to inkle weaving in 2012, she found her weaving passion. Jennifer is dedicated to sharing the art of inkle weaving as broadly as possible. She teaches beginning and advanced inkle weaving classes to guilds and individuals. Her work has been published in Easy Weaving with Little Looms. Additionally, she shares creative inkle band projects and information on her blog: www.inkledpink.com.


      These pictures offer examples of the workshop content or experience.